"Private opinion is weak, but public opinion is almost omnipotent," said Harriet Beecher Stowe, an abolitionist author who lived in the 1800s. More than 150 years later, this statement still rings true. Organizations must find ways to communicate and convince your target publics of the worth of your missions, services, and products - or compromise success.
Here are five reasons why you need the media:
1. Reach Your Target Audiences
The media has the uncanny ability to reach thousands and millions of the right people in an amazingly short time. The company and/or individual who knows how to interest and intrigue the media has mastered one thing -- the ability to leverage the media for mutual benefit.
2. Influence the Influencers
When you influence the media, you influence the "influencers." The nature of the media's job is to make sense of the myriad of situations, issues, services and products they come across, report on them, and inevitably influence the audiences they reach.
3. Reach Decision Makers
How many times have you read a positive movie review and decided right then and there that you had to see it? Now imagine if you can harness that power, develop the right messages, and engage in a focused, concerted way of reaching the media for your flagship product or services. What kind of "multiplier" effect will it generate? And if sustained over time, how will it contribute to your success?
4. Exposure!
The media loves all things new, novel, and different. If you have a new organization, program, service, product, or something new to say - talk to them. You help them by sharing your news. They in turn help raise your awareness and credibility.
5. Become a Trailblazer
The media loves to be the first to report on the latest new trend, such as new products and how they are changing the way we live and work. If you know how to be the first to communicate a trend, demonstrate how you or your organization is leading this trend, you've just hit the jackpot...well, almost.
Never underestimate the media. They can make you famous, infamous, or worse - non-existent!
To take advantage of SKC's years of media relations experience, click below to schedule a complimentary consultation session.