SKC Insights



The Art of Brand Building: 5 Strategies for Success

In an ever-changing marketplace, cultivating a unique brand identity is vital for achieving lasting success. A brand isn’t just a logo or a product; it’s the heart of what a company believes in and how people see it. Building a powerful brand means telling a story that connects with customers, stands out from rivals, and adapts to shifts in the market. Let's dive into the essential strategies that help create a lasting brand legacy. 

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From Slump to Splash: 8 Campaigns That Beat the Heat

While many Americans escape to sunny vacation destinations during the summer months, a quiet period settles over the business world. This notorious “summer slump” can leave even the strongest businesses feeling the heat as prospective customers hit the beach and declining sales hit the books. For creative companies, however, this seasonal slowdown provides an opportunity to shine with unforgettable and uplifting launches. These initiatives not only defy the expected lull but also infuse the sunny season with bursts of innovation and joy. Here’s a glimpse into eight of the most memorable and inspiring summer promotions to inspire your company’s next captivating campaign:

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Beyond Borders: 6 Success Stories Integrating Cultural Diversity in PR & Marketing

In today's interconnected world, celebrating diversity isn't just a moral imperative – it's also a smart business strategy. Companies that embrace and promote inclusive marketing can broaden their prospective customer base to consumers from all walks of life. As AAPI Month comes to a close, let’s reflect on six standout campaigns that exemplify cultural diversity in PR and marketing: 

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8 Tips for Creating Newsworthy Content



"Sorry, that's not news." Have you ever stumbled when a journalist tells you what you have to offer isn't newsworthy enough? You gulp. Here you are, with an exciting piece of news or scintillating insight, ready to strut your stuff, but they decide "it's not newsworthy" and don't give you a clue on what makes them tick. 

Well, we can't generalize for all media, but in our many years of working with hundreds, if not thousands of them, we have developed a good sense of the types of news and information that companies can create and package to pique the media's interest, earn their trust, and get written up in their news stories.

Here are 8 tips for creating newsworthy content:

1. Dazzle with Facts & Figures

Journalists love hard data. And that's a fact! Shining the spotlight on facts and figures, preferably with announcements about reports that shed light on industry trends, can entice a reporter to write about your organization as part of a larger trend story or even lead them to creating news just on your content. Survey data works great. When ACUHO-I's Annual State of ResNet Report was published earlier this year, media outlets picked up the story based on the strength of the numbers and infographic provided. One outlet, Campus Technology, even used the report in not one, but two articles, drawing from various newsy aspects of the report to cover multiple angles.

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5 Tips for Connecting with Your Audience! The research is done; the presentation complete; the audience assembled; now it's your turn to take the spotlight. You might be thinking, I'm ready, now I just need to connect with the audience. Whether you're talking one-on-one with a reporter, hosting a webinar, or giving a keynote speech at an industry event, what can you do to boost your confidence and wow your audience?

Here are 5 tips for connecting with your audience:

1. Custom Fit like a Glove

"One size fits all" is nice in theory, but it's not very realistic. Before you print that PowerPoint, understand what your audience is looking for. What information are they expecting you to provide? What are they hungry to learn? Should you use industry jargon or avoid it altogether? Tailor your messages, your tone, even your delivery style to fit each audience. Taking time to customize your presentation can mean the difference between making a connection and getting a cold reception.

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5 Considerations for Your PR Launch

You've spent months and years of your life on it, and you're finally ready. You're ready to launch your new company, product or service to the world. But how do you ensure that the right people notice? Many ingredients make a successful PR launch – a generous dose of time, a sprinkle of creativity, and most of all, intense preparation on all fronts.

Here are 5 Considerations for Your PR Launch:

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