SKC Insights



Mastering Content Marketing: 6 Tips to Captivate and Convert

Welcome to the whirlwind digital age! Amidst the endless stream of TikTok videos and Instagram Reels, it’s no longer enough for brands to pump out social content. Today’s audiences demand valuable, compelling, and consistent messages that grab attention and build lasting loyalty—a strategy also known as “content marketing.” From driving sales to growing your follower base and encouraging newsletter sign-ups, content marketing is all about fostering meaningful interactions with your brand. Let's explore 6 actionable tips to help you master this essential tool:

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The Art of Brand Building: 5 Strategies for Success

In an ever-changing marketplace, cultivating a unique brand identity is vital for achieving lasting success. A brand isn’t just a logo or a product; it’s the heart of what a company believes in and how people see it. Building a powerful brand means telling a story that connects with customers, stands out from rivals, and adapts to shifts in the market. Let's dive into the essential strategies that help create a lasting brand legacy. 

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From Slump to Splash: 8 Campaigns That Beat the Heat

While many Americans escape to sunny vacation destinations during the summer months, a quiet period settles over the business world. This notorious “summer slump” can leave even the strongest businesses feeling the heat as prospective customers hit the beach and declining sales hit the books. For creative companies, however, this seasonal slowdown provides an opportunity to shine with unforgettable and uplifting launches. These initiatives not only defy the expected lull but also infuse the sunny season with bursts of innovation and joy. Here’s a glimpse into eight of the most memorable and inspiring summer promotions to inspire your company’s next captivating campaign:

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6 PR & Marketing Trends Shaping 2023

2022 brought us lessons of growth, resilience, and transformation as we conquered the challenges of a disruptive year. With another exciting year behind us, SKC has compiled our take on the top public relations trends and challenges for the year ahead. What will 2023 bring? Here are six trends to consider and leverage for your company:

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8 Ways to Become a Media Darling

What do Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, and Sheryl Sandberg all have in common? When they speak, the media listens. They’re thought leaders and generally looked upon favorably – and as a result, have become media “darlings.” But it didn’t happen overnight. Endearing yourself to the media takes time, along with careful strategizing and intentional actions. 

Follow these eight steps to get started on your journey to becoming respected, heard and reverberated out into the world as a media darling.

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12 Fun & Fascinating PR Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

As an entrepreneur/marketer, you know how much public relations can help grow your business. You have probably partnered with an agency, researched its value adds and contemplated its ROI. And you’ve leveraged content marketing, press releases, and media relations. But did you know PR also has a rich, colorful history full of insightful stories that we can all learn from, even today? Without further ado, here are 12 fun and fascinating PR facts: 

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5 Ways Inbound Marketing Stands Apart from Traditional Marketing

Once upon a time, marketers focused on buying advertisements, mailing postcards, and making telemarketing calls. But people's behaviors have changed, and the traditional marketing playbook must change with them. While cold calls once netted enormous volumes of leads, today more than 235 million Americans are registered on the FTC's "Do Not Call" list. And that glossy flier you sent to your loyal customers? It won't even reach half of them, as 58% of direct mail recipients never read, or even scan, their mailers.  

What’s a marketer or entrepreneur to do?  

Some of this may seem bleak, but there’s good news – and it’s called inbound marketing. This holistic, data-motivated approach cuts costs, builds higher trust and credibility, and generates quality traffic and leads. Sounds too good to be true?  

Here are 5 ways inbound marketing stands apart from traditional marketing:

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7 Strategic Value Adds of PR Agencies

Are you a company or an entrepreneur who's just not at all sure if a PR/Marketing agency can truly help your business? Not sure if it's really worth your time or investment?

Last month, SKC outlined why engaging with a PR firm is smart business. This month, we're diving deeper and exploring how public relations and marketing specialists add strategic value to any endeavor. From counseling management to uncovering your core story to generating investor interest, here are 7 ways we can strengthen your business:

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7 Reasons to Partner with a PR Agency in 2021

What a difference a year makes! With 2020 in the rearview mirror, is it wise to predict what the next year holds? Our team thinks it’s worth a shot.

While "change” might still be the name of the game, 2021 already looks full of possibilities. As COVID-19 vaccines roll out around the world, the economy bounces back, and there’s a bit more hope in the air, it’s time to recalibrate and adapt your company’s goals and grand plans. We might be a little biased, but we truly believe that now, perhaps more than ever, is the time to partner with a communications agency to be successful in a brave new world.

You might be asking, “but why should I partner with an agency?”

Ahh, we're glad you asked. This is the question that most C-suite executives have to ponder at some point in time. Before we dive into how an agency partner can help with the latest and greatest in the coming year, here are 7 reasons why engaging with a PR firm is smart business in general.

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Overwhelmed No More – PR & Marketing in 2 Steps

It’s 3 in the morning. You’re wide awake and your mind is besieged. Your competitor just sent out a new funding press release. How do you match that? Why is it so hard to reach the right investors? The right customers? Your team throws ideas at you. Dazzle with 3D presentations. We better be everywhere – on TV, on TechCrunch, on Facebook, LinkedIn, at tradeshows, everywhere! And don’t forget blogs, white papers, case studies, and email campaigns! And on and on and on.

It’s now 4am and sleep eludes you. You’re overwhelmed. Why are PR and marketing such enigmas? You know you need it to truly grow and attract investors and customers. But how? Where do you start? To think you once thought asking Rita to the prom was the toughest thing you ever did.

Sure, PR and marketing may feel daunting. But we’re here to say it doesn’t have to be. Take a deep breath, let go of everything you think you have to do. Instead, focus on just two steps that will make all the difference: First, build your foundation, and second, build your house.

This is what we mean: 

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