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5 Do's for a Successful Corporate Blog


So, you’re thinking about starting or sprucing up a corporate blog? Good for you! A company blog is a great marketing tool for connecting with prospects, customers, partners, and to build thought leadership. And with figures like these – 77% of Internet users read blogs and spend 3X more time on them than email in the US – blogs aren’t something marketers can ignore! But blogging has to be done right to be successful and effective.

Here are our 5 Do's for creating and maintaining a successful corporate blog:

1. DO Start with a Great Content Strategy

Blogging is truly all about the content. Develop an editorial calendar focused on key themes, topics, or categories. And diversify your content. Sure, you want company or product updates but make your blog is interesting by including how-to's, customer stories, research, and viewpoints. Establish a schedule for postings – we recommend 1-2 blog posts per week. Editorial calendars should be flexible to accommodate timely issues and company announcements and news.

2. DO Make it High Quality and Relevant

This is a DO you’ll likely not dispute. Make sure that your blog post is easy-to-read as an online piece, with headers, images and bulleted lists included to break up the text nicely. And that your spelling and grammar are impeccable. It should also be relevant, so when writing content, monitor and research topics your customers and industry are discussing. If translating the content into other languages – make it translation-friendly, meaning steering clear of puns, slang, acronyms, and cultural-specific references.

3. DO Add Images, Videos, and Interactive Content

Want to make your blog post more appealing and engaging? You can do just that by using images, videos, infographics, or interactive content like calculators and short quizzes. For example, include a video for your customer story. Add graphs or charts for a research post.

4. DO Optimize for Search Engines

While researching topics and issues your customers care, make sure to do keyword searches too. Add keywords and tags to optimize your blog for search engines. In addition to adding internal links (great as CTAs) in your blog post, include external links to other prominent sites. According to Hubspot, search engines like Google value visuals for certain keywords. So, remember to add those images and videos!

5. DO Promote Your Blog

So, you’ve written a killer blog post. Now you need to get it out there for the world to see. Share your blog posts on other channels, such as customer emails, in your newsletters, and promote via social media. Make it easy to share by including social sharing buttons in your posts. And add a link to your blog in your email signatures. These are superb ways to reach your customers beyond search engines.

Hopefully, our post above provided some tips to help you start or spruce up your own company blog. Follow these five Do’s and you’ll be well on your way to having your blog posts get the attention they deserve.

Are you ready to get started? Our team at SKC is happy to offer you a complimentary consultation. Schedule it here:

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